Can You Save More When Buying a Car For Lease?

Now a day most people prefer to purchasing a car on cash because they want to free of any liability and they think if we are purchasing car on lease or when we are not able to pay monthly so what happen etc. they think like that purchasing a car on lease is more expensive than purchasing a car on cash. If you want to purchase a car on car financing option to purchase a car from Madera car financing center . Car leasing statement This is the wrong statement that purchase car on lease is more expensive than purchasing a car on cash. It's true only when you have more enough money to purchase a car on cash then that statement is true is but if you are thinking I will save money and then I purchase a car to then this statement is wrong. When car purchasing on cash or when purchasing on the lease? When you have more enough money to you purchase a car on cash and when you have no more money so never thinking of save money and buying a car on cash than purchasing a car on lea...